Guide to Enrollment into a
Childrens Daycare Center
Childcare Administration Section, Childrens Future Department, Childrens Future
Bureau, Chiba City
Childrens Daycare Center
Telephone number
Childrens Charter
Children will be respected as human beings.
Children will be esteemed as members of society.
Children will be raised in good environment.
Child Welfare Law (Philosophy of the Child Welfare Law
All citizens must make efforts to ensure that children are born and
raised in good mental and physical health.
All children must be secured of their life and be protected.
Goals of Daycare Centers
Daycare centers are a type of child welfare facilities designated by the
Child Welfare Law, and aim to care for infants and children before
entering elementary school, who cannot receive proper care due to
problems of their mother like employment or illness, etc.
Children who enter daycare centers will be spending a most of their day
in the facility. Therefore, the basic concepts of childcare of daycare
centers will be to meet the needs of each individual child, while
nurturing and enriching play activities, which lie at the center of the
childrens lifestyles.
Polestar of Childcare of the City of Chiba:
To nurture Children of the Sun
The Object of Childcare of the City of Chiba:
Enriching their spirit and encouraging creativity,
Nurture sturdy children, who will cultivate the future.
Childcare Goals by Age
0 Year
In a relaxing environment, stabilize the childs emotions, stimulate his/her senses,
and allow him/her to maintain a happy mood.
1. Through a stable relationship with adults, encourage the child to babble sounds,
which will lead to the development of language capability in future.
2. Gradually wean the child away from milk to baby food, based on his/her
individual needs.
3. Thoroughly prepare the child to begin walking.
1 Year
Through a stable relationship with the care provider, allow the child to have
freedom to explore the area around him/her, and encourage the development of
interest in new things.
1. Ensure that the child is able to walk.
2. Nurture curiosity and the desire to try things independently.
3. Through relationships with the care provider and other children, develop the
desire to use words to communicate.
2 Years
While understanding the childs needs for self-assertion, help with personality
development and broaden his/her sphere of living.
1. Foster the desire to express or copy things that the child is interested in, or has
experienced, through words or actions.
2. Work on the ability to complete simple tasks.
3. Be able to enjoy exercises that use the whole body, or games that use the hands
and fingers, with the support of the care provider.
3 Years
Through interacting with friends and the close environment, nurture a rich living
experience, and develop social skills.
1. Be able to initiate play and living activities through own feelings of interest.
2. Gain knowledge about things necessary for everyday life with the help of the
3. Be able to feel joy in interacting and playing with friends.
4. Be able to express with words, what the child is feeling or thinking.
4 Years
Allow the child to have broader ties with friends, develop a sense of community, and
initiate activities on his/her own.
1. Have freedom in playing with different toys, and be able to actively exercise the
entire body.
2. Be self assertive, but at the same time be aware of friends feelings.
3. Through the expression of empathy by the care provider, allow the child to
nurture sensitivity, and recognize interest, wonder, and beauty in things around
5 Years
Have the child deepen his/her friendship with peers, and nurture the desire to lead
a group to achieve a common goal.
1. Gain the ability to do general activities necessary to ensure health and safety.
2. Nurture an attitude necessary for social life, by learning how to forgive and
accept others.
3. Satisfy intellectual needs through a motivational lifestyle.
1. Regular Childcare Hours and Extended Childcare Hours
Regular childcare hours (Monday through Saturday) are from 7am to 6pm.
Completing the Childcare Usage Hours Survey Sheet, determine the usage time of
the daycare center, considering the working hours of the guardian and other
household circumstances.
A guardian, who cannot meet the regular pick up time due to employment
circumstances, etc., may apply for extended childcare. Extended childcare hour
(Monday through Friday) is from 6pm to 7pm (8pm in some daycare facilities).
Extended childcare can be applied for month by month.
2. Child Care Fees
Child care fees are determined by the amount of guardians income tax and the
amount of the municipal tax for the previous year. Lunch fees are included in the
childcare fees, and will not be collected separately. The fees must be paid using
following methods by the due date (the last day of every month).
(1) Automatic Account Transfer
Follow the proper procedures at a financial institution, who has branch offices
within Chiba City, or at a post office. Automatic Account Transfer Form is
available at the daycare center. Please ask the childcare worker in charge or the
Principal of the daycare facility. Going through the procedures once can save the
guardian the trouble of visiting a financial institution each month and also
prevents late payments. Always ensure that there is enough money left in the
account. Payments will be transferred on the last day of the month. If it is
Saturday, Sunday or, a National Holiday, it will be made on the next business
day. For the month of December, transfer will be made on January 4 of the next
(2) Money transfer
Use the forms distributed at the daycare facility to transfer money by the end of
the month.
(3) Extended Daycare Fees (Per Month)
Under 3 Years
3 Years and above
Up to 7 pm
3,000 Yen
1,900 Yen
Up to 8 pm
6,000 Yen
3,800 Yen
3. Holidays
Sundays, National Holidays, New Year Holidays (Dec. 29 to Jan. 3).
4. Picking up and Dropping off Children
(1) Make sure that the guardian, or a designated individual drops off and picks up
the child every day. If someone else is being asked to drop off or pick up the
child, please make sure that the daycare center is notified in advance. Without
a prior notice, the daycare center will not allow anyone to pick up the child for
safety reasons. In principle, elementary and junior high school students may
not allowed for dropping off or picking up a child.
(2) Please notify a staff of the facility before dropping off or picking up children (to
record the pickup and drop off times and for other communications like health
conditions and, other notifications, etc.).
(3) Please pick up the child by the designated time. If that is not possible, contact
the daycare center in advance.
5. Absences
If the child is not attending daycare center due to illness or other reasons, contact
the daycare center before 9:00 am. If the child will be absent for an extended period
of time, please consult with the daycare center.
6. Withdrawal from Daycare
If the child will stop attending daycare, a withdrawal form must be filled out. Please
contact the daycare center as soon as possible.
7. Japan Sports Promotion Center, an independent administrative agency
Japan Sports Promotion Center is providing mutual aid money for disasters like
accidents within the daycare facility, accidents on the way for drop off or pick up,
and other disasters under the responsibility of the daycare center. Every
guardians are asked to apply, so that they can be covered by the mutual aid policy in
the event of an emergency. The contract is for one year, so it is necessary to reapply
every year.
Even though, the City of Chiba has an infant medical expense aid policy (200 yen
per incident), but, we ask the guardians to enroll in the Japan Sports Promotion
Centers Mutual Aid Policy for accidents at daycare centers. The guardian will
temporarily have to cover for medical expenses in case of an accident, to compensate
for that, Japan Sports Promotion Center will pay the amount 10% higher than the
actual medical costs. (However, eligibility requires that the medical points for one
accident is over 500 points)
8. System to solve complaints.
We have prepared a system to appropriately respond to complaints by users and are
endeavoring to improve the daycare services. Three members, the staff to register
complaints, requests and comments, Principal of the facility, who is responsible to
solve complaints and an independent complaint counselor will respond to
complaints. Please feel free to communicate any opinions or requests.
9. Protection of Personal Information
Daycare centers take a special care in the usage of personal information.
Any documents submitted by guardians will not be used aside from their intended
10. Emergencies
In order to ensure the safety of children, daycare staff members go through regular
evacuation training to prepare for disasters. However, if there is a fear for disaster s
(Cases like, a large scale disaster have occurred, warning for large earthquake is
issued, declaration for alert is issued, a large scale typhoon, etc. ), or if it is
apprehended that the daycare center will not be able to secure the safety of the
children, the guardians may be asked to care for their children at home. If a disaster
occurs while the children are at daycare center, the center will take responsibility
for the children until they are picked up by their guardians, but we ask for the
guardians to pick their children as soon as possible.
*Please notify the daycare center immediately if anything in the household changes.
(Address, phone number, guardians employment, guardians work hours, family
members, etc.)
11. Health and Hygiene
(1) Health exam by a doctor (twice a year)
Dental exam by a dentist (over 2 years old once a year)
Urine test (over 4 years old once a year),
Pinworm inspection (twice a year)
Body measurements (once a month)
(2) If the health of the child differs from normal, please notify a staff member upon
arrival at the daycare center.
The guardian will be notified if the child suffers a major change in health
during daycare.
(3) Please notify the daycare center if the child possesses any physical
idiosyncrasies or chronic diseases.
(4) If the child has been absent from daycare due to a contagious disease, please
submit a certificate from a doctor upon arrival (Certificate to Allow
Certificate to Allow Attendance
I certify that the child in question, who had been treated for the below illness since
Year_______ Month______ Day______ has recovered, and there is no danger of infecting
other children. The child may return to daycare starting on Year_______ Month______
Circular mark
() on
applicable items
Standards for Periods of Absence
*To be determined by a doctor in
accordance with the standards
listed below
Five days after the first signs of
fever and two days after the fever
Pertussis - Whooping Cough
Until the coughing stops.
Three days after the fever subsides.
Epidemic Parotidis - Mumps
Until the swelling of the parotid
gland is gone.
Rubella German measles
Until the rashes disappear.
Chicken Pox (varicella)
Until all blisters are gone.
Pharyngoconjunctival Fever
Pool fever
Two days after the symptoms
Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia
Coli Infection
Until a physician sees no risk of
Epidemic Keratoconjunctivitis
Until a physician judges there are
no risks of transmission.
Acute Hemorrhagic
Conjunctivitis Apollo 11
Until a physician judges there are
no risks of transmission.
Streptococcal Infection Group A
24 hours or more after taking
antibiotics, and until symptoms
such as fever and rashes subside.
Infectious Gastroenteritis
Until vomiting and diarrhea
symptoms have subsided, and
physical strength has returned.
Mycoplasma Infection
Until the fever and cough subside.
Infectious Erythema
Because it is not contagious during
breakouts, it is possible to attend
daycare if the child is in good
If the child is in good health, it is
possible to attend daycare.
Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease
If the child is in good health, it is
possible to attend daycare.
Roseola Infantum
Until fever has subsided and
physical strength returned.
Contagious Impetigo
If the area can be covered, the child
can attend daycare. If it cannot be
covered, wait until the scab falls off.
* Notes for the care provider:
Year_______ Month______ Day________
Name of the Medical Facility________________________
Name of the Physician_______________________ _
This form is prepared in cooperation with the Chiba City Medical Association,
and the Childcare Administration Section, Childrens Future Development
Bereau of the City of Chiba
* (Note: Certificate to Allow attendance will be prepared with a fee)
(5) Medication
Dosage of a medicine will be made at the daycare center only if it is inevitable.
In such case, dosage will be made in accordance with a Medication Instruction
Form signed by a doctor and with a formal Request for Medication by the
form for Medication Instruction
If a doctor judges that medication is necessary after the child is
examined for illness or injury, please inform the doctor that the child is
attending daycare center and inquire whether medication can be
limited to twice a day, i.e., in the morning and in the evening.
If the child must take medication during daycare hours, please ask the
doctor to prepare the Medication Instruction Form
Request for Medication
If the child must receive medication during daycare hours, please fill out
the Request for Medication Form at the daycare center upon arrival, and
hand the Medication Instruction Form prepared by the doctor and the
dosage for a day to a staff member.
If the period instructed by the Medication Instruction Form is beyond a
day, please fill out only the Request for Medication Form upon arrival
day by day and hand the dosage for the day.
Caution: To the attending physician and guardians
No employees at the daycare center are professionally trained in administrating
medications. As the number of children requiring medications is increased, probability
of committing errors will also be increased. So, the mandatory situations like INTAL
for food allergies, we will appreciate your rescheduling the medication intervals and
timing so that the children can be treated at home.
(Association of Commissioned Physicians of the City of Chiba)
Instruction for Medication
The child below is currently undergoing treatment at this medical facility. We ask that
you give medication to the child during daycare hours on behalf of the guardian.
Name of Daycare Center________________________ Name of Child___________________
Name of Disease (or symptoms)_________________________________________
Medication to be taken (circle which applies)
Name of the drug
Powders ( bags per time)
Liquid ( cc of syrup)
Tablet ( pills per time)
Antibiotics, Cough medicine, Pain relief,
Antidiarrheal, Nasal mucus relief,
Antiallergic agent,
Medicine to be taken only once as required
Times to give medication during daycare
Before meal After meal Others ( )
This medication instruction is to be applied from
From Month_________ Day___________ to Month___________ Day___________
Year_________ Month________ Day_________
Physician Name
Phone Number
* This certificate is provided for a fee.
12. Food
(1) Children under 3 years old will receive 50% of nutrients required per day, while
children over 3 years old will receive 48% of their daily nutrients from the food
prepared at the daycare centers. Children under 3 years old will be given milk
during the morning hours for nutritional support. (A monthly menu will be
provided by the daycare center. Please refer to it, when you plan meals at
(2) Lunch will be provided from Monday to Friday. However, baby food will be
provided on Saturdays as well.
(3) Children under 3 years old will be provided with a staple dish, side dishes, and
a snack.
Children over 3 years old will be provided with side dishes and a snack.
Please have the child bring rice or bread (no pastries, bean/jam buns, etc.) as
the staple dish. The amount should be 110g of rice (small bowl) or one slice of
loaf bread (cut into six).
(4) On Saturdays, please have the child bring a complete boxed lunch (except baby
food). If the child will be staying past 3pm, please have the child bring a snack
as well.
(5) Approximate Meal Times
0 Years Old
Baby food
* Milk will be given depending on the
nursing schedule of each child.
1-2 Year Olds
3 Year Olds and
(6) Food Allergies
Please inform the staff of any food allergies of the child. As food will be
prepared in accordance with a doctors examination and guidance, we need a
Certificate of Treatment by a doctor, for which please refer to Page15
13. Required Documents
Submit to:
Child Form
Daycare Center
Emergency Contact Form and
Daycare Use Times Survey
Daycare Center
Application form for Automatic
Transfers of Daycare Fees
Financial Institution Banks or
Post offices
Sports Promotion Center
Disaster Mutual Aid Policy
Application and 131 Yen
Daycare Center
Application for Extended Care
(if necessary)
Daycare Center
Year__________ Month_________ Day____________
To the Attending Doctor:
Daycare Center
Director____ ________
Signature____ _______
About the Health of the Child
We are writing to consult with you about following symptoms we observed at our
daycare center regarding the child
Name of Child____________ Birth Date____________ Male/Female
We ask for your guidance.
---------------------------------------------------Cut Here---------------------------------------------------
Certificate of Treatment
____________ Daycare Center, Class_________ Name______________________
This certifies that the above child is currently in treatment/ has completed treatment
for ; (name of disease or injuries)
Year________ Month_________ Date_____
Name of Physician___________________