DT: Diphtheria Tetanus
【Explanation of the disease】
((Diphtheria: D ))
Infection of Diphtheria is caused by the droplets of the diphtheria bacillus enter through
nose and mouth. However, only about 10% people show diphtheria symptom. Remainders
become quiet germ holders, who might spread the germ to other people
The symptoms are high temperature, throat pain and strong inflammations. The
myocardial failure and nerve paralysis might be caused by the toxin that the bacterium puts
out. Incidence rate of diphtheria is 0 to1 person per year.
((Tetanus: T))
Infection is caused by tetanus bacillus in the soil entering into human body through
wounds. As the number of bacteria increases in the body, muscle twitching is caused by the
toxin generated by the germ. The disease is noticed first by the difficulty to open the mouth
and it develops to the convulsion of the whole body. There is a possibility that a patient may
die if treatment is delayed. Infection of more than half of the patients are via very minor
stabs which they did not notice.,
【Sub-reactions 】
The major sub-reactions are the reddishness, swelling, and stiffness of the inoculated
area. In rare cases, shock, anaphylactic symptoms, thrombocytopenic purpura,
encephalopathy, and the convulsion may appear.
【Those who cannot inoculated 】
① Children who apparently have a fever (over 37.5℃)
② Children who got a serious acute disease.
③ Child who had caused anaphylaxis by the contents in vaccination liquid of the
vaccination received on that day
④ Additionally, those who are judged by the doctor that inoculation is inappropriate.
【Children who need consultation with the doctor before inoculation 】
① Children who are being treated for diseases like heart disease, kidney disease, blood
diseases, growth disturbance etc.
② Children who experienced allergenic reactions like high temperature, whole body
eruptions within two days after vaccination
③ Children who have caused convulsion in the past.
④ Children who have been diagnosed as immunodeficient and those who have a close
relative with congenital immunodeficiency.
⑤ Children who were told allergenic to the contents of vaccine, which contains contents of
eggs used to culture, antibiotics, stabilizer etc.
⑥ Children in good conditions, while diseases like measles, rubella, mumps, and chicken
poxes, are spread among family members, play mates, class mates, etc.
【General notes after inoculation 】
① As acute sub-reactions may happen, please watch the condition of your child for 30
minutes in the medical institute or to make sure of immediate contact with your home
② In case of an inactivated vaccine, please be careful about sub-reaction for a week
③ Keep the inoculated area clean. It is OK to take bath, however, do not rub the inoculated
④ Avoid vigorous exercises on the day of inoculation.
⑤ if you noticed abnormal reactions around the inoculated area or change of body
conditions , please visit home doctor and have your child examined.
About Health Injury Relief System:
If you have symptoms like heavy swelling of the inoculated area, high fever, convulsion, etc.,
please get examined by your family doctor and contact Infection Prevention Section. There might
be a possibility that your case might be recognized by Health Injury Relief System under The
Preventive Vaccination Law.