About outbreak of new coronavirus

Updated: August 15, 2022

About outbreak of new coronavirus infected person

Monitoring indicators (Chiba City data is for Chiba citizens)

Regarding the infection status in Chiba Prefecture, please refer to the infection status in Chiba Prefecture, etc.(Link to external site)(Open in new window)Please see the page of

For the status of the medical care provision system in Chiba Prefecture, please refer to the status of the medical care provision system in Chiba Prefecture.(Link to external site)(Open in new window)Please see the page of

The outbreak situation of citizen’s infectious disease patient

Number of infected people (by confirmation date) announced on September 13
Number of tests conducted in the city and positive rate (as of July 31)

*Due to the strain on medical institutions, the positive rate graph update will be suspended for the time being.

As of September 1, 2022, there are 285 medical institutions conducting tests in the city.

People Flow Data (Aggregated flow of people around Chiba Station on a weekly basis)

People flow data around Chiba Station as of September 11

Data around Chiba Station (Excel: 14KB)

People flow data up to March 31, 2022 publication

For data on the flow of people at major stations in the prefecture ,(Link to external site)(Open in new window)(Chiba Prefecture homepage)

New Coronavirus Infectious Disease Control Site(Link to external site)

We release the infectious disease occurrence situation in the city, the number of consultations, the number of inspections conducted, etc.

Information (weekly report) about new coronavirus infectious disease

We are creating a weekly report that summarizes the trend of infected people and the status of hospitalized patients for a week. Please check the weekly trend so that you don’t get overwhelmed by the daily number of infected people.

New Coronavirus Infectious Diseases Liaison Committee Expert Subcommittee (Chiba Prefecture)(Link to external site)

In Chiba Prefecture, in order to evaluate changes in the trend of new coronavirus infections, the “New Coronavirus Infectious Diseases Control Liaison Committee Expert Subcommittee” is being held.

The summary of the proceedings of the most recent expert subcommittee is as follows.

The 39th meeting (Wednesday, August 31, 2020): Summary of proceedings(Link to external site)

The outbreak situation (details) of citizen’s infectious disease patient

Number of infected people confirmed in Chiba City [as of September 16, 2020]
156,324 infected people (including 141,473 patients, 4,570 asymptomatic pathogen carriers, 10,281 suspected patients), out- of-
town infected people 15,659, 4,287 discharged, 132,888 completed medical treatment, 365 died (including 2 undisclosed and 30 outside the city)

Current number of infected peopleHospitalized (severely ill)Hotel recuperationhome careHospitalization, hotel treatment, etc. are being adjusted
3,157122 (0)652,9700

* “Number of confirmed infected people in Chiba City” is updated only on weekdays. (The information below is updated daily.)

No.Age, gender, etc.Announcement date
Patients 140869-141521Asymptomatic 4571-4581Suspected disease 10240-10287detailSeptember 16th
Patients 140078-140868Asymptomatic 4553-4570Suspected disease 10172-10239detailSeptember 15th
Patients 139765-140077Asymptomatic 4551-4552Suspected disease 10166-10171detailSeptember 14th
Patients 139211-139764Asymptomatic 4530-4550Suspected disease 10132-10165detailSeptember 13
Patients 138629-139210Asymptomatic 4513-4529Suspected disease 10091-10131detailSeptember 12
Patients 138054-138628Asymptomatic 4497-4512Suspected disease 10039-10090detailSeptember 11th
Patients 137387-138053Asymptomatic 4486-4496Suspected disease 9997-10038detailSeptember 10th
Patients 136706-137386Asymptomatic 4467-4485Suspected disease 9957-9996detailSeptember 9
Patients 135953-136705Asymptomatic 4457-4466Suspected disease 9899-9956detailSeptember 8
Patients 135595-135952Asymptomatic 4446-4456Suspected disease 9889-9898detailSeptember 7
Patients 135113-135594Asymptomatic 4433-4445Suspected disease 9864-9888detailSeptember 6th
Patients 134413-135112Asymptomatic 4420-4432Suspected disease 9803-9863detailSeptember 5th
Patients 133760-134412Asymptomatic 4410-4419Suspected disease 9739-9802detailSeptember 4
Patients 133027-133759Asymptomatic 4397-4409Suspected disease 9675-9738detailSeptember 3rd
Patients 132122-133026Asymptomatic 4381-4396Suspected disease 9601-9674detailSeptember 2nd
Patients 131055-132121Asymptomatic 4372-4380Suspected disease 9498-9600detailSeptember 1st
Patients 130567-131054Asymptomatic 4365-4371Suspected disease 9487-9497detailAugust 31st
Patients 129911-130566Asymptomatic 4358-4364Suspected disease 9433-9486detailAugust 30
Patients 128937-129910Asymptomatic 4348-4357Suspected disease 9356-9432detailAugust 29th
Patients 128028-128936Asymptomatic 4342-4347Suspected disease 9297-9355detailAugust 28
Patients 126731-128027Asymptomatic 4328-4341Suspected disease 9214-9296detailAugust 27
Patients 125454-126730Asymptomatic 4316-4327Suspected disease 9132-9213detailAugust 26th
Patients 124141-125453Asymptomatic 4303-4315Suspected disease 8959-9131detailAugust 25th
Patients 123771-124140Asymptomatic 4300-4302Suspected disease 8949-8958detailAugust 24th
Patients 122872-123770Asymptomatic 4286-4299Suspected disease 8857-8948detailAugust 23rd
Patients 121609-122871Asymptomatic 4272-4285Suspected disease 8728-8856detailAugust 22nd
Patients 120450-121608Asymptomatic 4261-4271Suspected disease 8576-8727detailAugust 21
Patients 119330-120449Asymptomatic 4249-4260Suspected disease 8456-8575detailAugust 20th
Patients 118077-119329Asymptomatic 4227-4248Suspected disease 8338-8455detailAugust 19th
Patients 117192-118076Asymptomatic 4209-4226Suspected disease 8171-8337detailAugust 18th
Patients 116892-117191Asymptomatic 4203-4208Suspected disease 8169-8170detailAugust 17th
Patients 116208-116891Asymptomatic 4191-4202Suspected disease 8108-8168detailAugust 16th
Patients 115365-116207Asymptomatic 4177-4190Suspected disease 7988-8107detailAugust 15
Patients 114927-115364Asymptomatic 4170-4176Suspected disease 7973-7987detailAugust 14th
Patients 113641-114926Asymptomatic 4158-4169Suspected disease 7813-7972detailAugust 13th
Patients 112109-113640Asymptomatic 4141-4157Suspected disease 7626-7812detailAugust 12th
Patients 110322-112108Asymptomatic 4125-4140Suspected disease 7343-7625detailAugust 11th
Patients 109739-110321Asymptomatic 4121-4124Suspected disease 7307-7342detailAugust 10
Patients 108589-109738Asymptomatic 4109-4120Suspected disease 7175-7306detailAugust 9
Patients 106858-108588Asymptomatic 4084-4108Suspected disease 6962-7174detailAugust 8
Patients 105343-106857Asymptomatic 4059-4083Suspected disease 6734-6961detailAugust 7
Patients 103598-105342Asymptomatic 4038-4058Suspected disease 6534-6733detailAugust 6
Patients 101686-103597Asymptomatic 4021-4037Suspected disease 6251-6533detailAugust 5th
Patients 99754-101685Asymptomatic 4005-4020Suspected disease 5948-6250detailAugust 4th
Patients 99119-99753Asymptomatic 4000-4004Suspected disease 5933-5947detailAugust 3
Patients 97804-99118Asymptomatic 3988-3999Suspected disease 5816-5932detailAugust 2
Patients 96101-97803Asymptomatic 3973-3987Suspected disease 5566-5815detailAug. 1

About previous patient information

For patient information before this , please see “Regarding the outbreak of patients with new coronavirus infections (previous patient information)” .

Incidence of patients with distinct infectious diseases

Please see “About the outbreak of new coronavirus infectious disease patients (outbreak situation of infectious disease patients in different areas)” for the outbreak situation of patients with infectious diseases in different areas .

The outbreak situation such as mass outbreaks in the city

About the outbreak situation such as previous mass outbreaks

For information on mass outbreaks before this , please see “Outbreak situation such as mass outbreaks of new coronavirus infections (previous patient information)” .

 Occurrence of fatalities

Deaths of 1st to 268th novel coronavirus patients

For information on the deaths of patients with the 1st to 268th new coronavirus infections, see “Deaths of patients with the new coronavirus infections (1st to 268th cases)” .

Related Links

Infectious disease outbreak situation in Chiba Prefecture(Link to external site)

You can check the outbreak status of the new coronavirus infection in Chiba Prefecture. (Chiba Prefecture website)

open data

About outbreak of new coronavirus infectious disease patient (open data)

We publish various types of data.

Source of information on this page

Medical Policy Division, Medical Hygiene Department, Health and Welfare Bureau

2-1 Chiba Minato, Chuo-ku, Chiba City Chiba Central Community Center B1F

Phone: 043-245-5204

Fax: 043-245-5554
